StudentWineCoalition WineGuild

4 years ago

Dear California Insurance Commissioner Jones and ...

Dear California Insurance Commissioner Jones and California Attorney General Becerra,

Injured Hispanic workers and other American born employees, who are apparently being accused of insurance fraud by California Insurance Companies, would like to meet in person with you, to discuss these matters.

We find it ironic that injured workers who have reported issues of supervisors who are continually breaking labor laws; workers who have reported issues of supervisors drinking on the job; injured workers who ve shared concerns of managers ignoring reports of unsafe work place violations and dangerous work vehicles; workers who have spoken out about companies who are adding too many dangerous additions to Wines and other food products; and workers who have shared their concerns and dismay of numerous health and safety violations to employers and workers comp Insurance agencies; are now workers who are suddenly being flagged as injured employees who are deemed to be persons involved with workers comp fraud.

It s true that some of these injured workers have put in repeated claims to workers comp; but the onus should be on the employers and insurance companies, for failing to act on continual reported issues of unsafe work environments and labor law violations.

In some instances, employers were continually warned of hazards and dangers, yet nothing was done, or employees were pressured by supervisors and managers to keep quit. This lack of care and concern from businesses and insurance companies are just as responsible for the continuous injuries and the businesses where the injuries occurred should be under investigation. In other instances, the insurance companies were notified of managers who were not taking employees injuries serious, and nothing was done. We also have concerns about businesses, insurance companies, and their law firms, who ve either purposely, or perhaps ignorantly, failed to provide injured employees with important information regarding their rights. In other instances, there have been injured employees who were perhaps pressured or coerced into signing things which they should not of signed. What s even more ironic, is that some of the people allegedly being flagged for workers comp fraud, didn t even ask to be put on workers comp, but we re forced onto it by the insurance companies! There are a lot more serious issues that need to be shared with government agencies, but injured workers would rather discuss these sensitive issues directly with you. From experience, sharing this information with workers comp insurance companies and their lawyers, has only resulted in the information being twisted around and used against the injured workers. Something very suspect is going on and injured workers who are supposedly being accused of workers comp fraud, would like to personally speak to California Insurance Commissioner Jones and Attorney General of California Xavier Becerra, about these issues. These workers have noting to hide and relish the opportunity to speak directly and openly with California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and Insurance Commissioner Jones. We hope to have a journalist on hand to report on the issues, as well.

It may come as a surprise to some insurance agencies and their law firms, but the majority of employees legally living and working in the United States, (aka Native American and Hispanics), don t want to be scratching by on meager workers comp payments. These workers would rather be working in safe work place environments (as required by OSHA), working for skilled and experienced managers, and working for knowledgeable and responsible businesses, so that it is possible for these workers to advance their careers and earn more in the future.

These issues real, and are not based on hearsay, second hand information, outdated Facebook post, and rumours. The issues are based on first hand information, photographs and messages sent to managers, which warned of health and safety issues and OSHA violations.

We look forward to meeting with the Attorney General


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