4 years ago

This is a horribly run office with extended wait t...

This is a horribly run office with extended wait times and very POOR COMMUNICATION. My husband had blood work done on Thursday March 8th and here it is Friday March 16th and we haven't heard back from anyone. We called on the 15th and spoke with Priscilla the phone operator who said she would give the message to the neurologists assistant and we should here back from someone. Friday the 16th I called at 1pm and spoke to another phone operator named Laurie. I gave her my husbands info and told her our circumstance. She put me on hold and returned saying "I've tried to get in touch with four different people and no one is around so I am going to turn this over to our "office manager" and you should be hearing from someone. At 4:15pm my husband called again and spoke with yet another phone operator named Enrique and he said "I see here on the computer screen that someone will be calling you before we close at 5pm." We'll, of course, no one called and here we sit and wait unable to move forward with any type of treatment because we still don't have a diagnosis. My husband gets weaker by the day but I guess unless you are a family member of the staff here you are going to be waiting a loooong time to be seen. Very poor customer service and patient care.


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