3 years ago

This had to have been the absolute BEST experience...

This had to have been the absolute BEST experience I've had at a vet clinic on one of the worst days of my life. I only TRUST All Care Animal Hospital with my pets.

About a year ago, I adopted two puppies that were abandoned by someone (yes, they actually had an owner at one point) and left for dead. You name it, these dogs probably had it. (Underweight, heartworms, fleas, ticks)
I decided to bring them to all care because of the reviews online and it's close proximity to my house. I apologize this review will be a bit long winded.

The staff were very attentive, helpful, and overall professional. Being a first time dog owner this was a tremendous help.
- They gave me a list of DO's and DONT's with new dogs
- What food to buy
- How to give medicine orally, (and what to look out for if meds dont work)
- How to schedule follow up appointments
- Most importantly, where to go for training classes.

While we waited to go into the exam room for a follow up, I saw how they reacted to dealing with an irate customer. They were very accommodating to them, and when it turned out that the customer was wrong in the situation they(All Care) apologized as well.

Generally, that's a trait I've seen start to dwindle over time so i'm thoroughly impressed that they are still adamant about being professional (especially these days).

Disclaimer: Here's where it's going to get sad.
A few days after the follow up, I noticed that one of my puppies looked like he was having trouble breathing.
Despite everything he had been through before, I didn't doubt that he could have had a respiratory infection or something of the sort.
So naturally, I bring him into all care and let them know what I've noticed. They give him an exam/x-rays and discovered that he had severe internal injuries, (suspected that the prior owner hit him with a tractor and did nothing to get it corrected). This was also the primary cause of him being underweight.
This dog spent the first six months of his life going through hell, the LEAST I could do was give him and his brother a good home.
I was told the surgery was high risk (500:1 survival odds) and gave them the OK. Without it, he would have suffered until death.

The staff went above and beyond the call of duty to save his life (blood transfusions, CPR, everything you could think of) and they will always have my eternal gratitude for that.

Unfortunately my little guy had too severe of injuries and didn't make it.
Despite losing him. I would do it all over again without hesitation.
I take comfort in the fact that he at least saw what a loving family was for a change, albeit a tragically short time.


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