Laurent Reignier
Review of CHU Rouen

4 years ago

everything is perfect, no problem in this hospital...

everything is perfect, no problem in this hospital, hush ....

in truth, I have heard comments from staff (some were relatives) that are cold in the back: patients mistaken for cattle, competition for the longest break, procedures voluntarily ignored to be the winner of said competition ....
Of course, it has always existed, it has even been caricatured by many humorists, with varying finesse.
What is chilling in the back today is that, from a minority, these facts have become a system which is encouraged by health executives, and therefore which is becoming generalized.
What emerges from the testimonies, from my experience, is that today those who finish faster are better rated, ignoring any other criteria.
Before the demand for executives was fast and good, now it's only fast and fast.
And I could notice by staying whole days in services the phenomenon: everyone runs until 10:30 am / 45, then an hour break until the meal service (I'm not talking about emergencies obviously, I'm talking about daily care in hospital departments)
And this is what gives this impression of permanent extreme agitation, while the work could be done calmly, with more quality, in truth the time is there ...
But do this and you will have hierarchy and the majority of your colleagues against you, the few who still resist are real heroes, but their rarity increases

As for the instructions that are given to staff for the management of medical errors or complaints from users, I am talking about REAL instructions, those that are given orally but never written ....
I cannot detail them here, they no longer fall under moral or professional fault, but criminal, and I have no material evidence, nor specific cases to give, just concordant testimony.
to summarize, and without telling you what exactly: everything must be done to protect the staff and discourage the complainants, the whole message (the real, not the formal) is that the esprit de corps must prevail over the truth
There too, more and more rare are those who resist, they are considered as traitors.

Would i have forgotten to tell you?
In 2010 I had a heart attack on a Thursday at 6am, I call the emergency room, which refuses to move !!!!
in the afternoon I do a troponin dosage, result 250 for an alert threshold of 6
I come to the CHU on my own, on Thursday around 7 p.m. I am in cardio chir.
I was then left to wait until Monday morning at 10:30 am, to finally realize that he had ..... forget me! ! ! ! !
So I waited about 100 hours between the infarction and the angioscopy.

Then we see self-glorification articles saying that the average intervention time is 3 hours after a heart attack, but where do they come from such figures?
bogus statistics yes !!!

I have others, alas ....


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