Paul Sibley

4 years ago

Where is the "-5" Rating? Or "-10"?

Where is the "-5" Rating? Or "-10"?

Bare with me this one is going to be long and bad...

Up close and personal. I was considering buying pre-owned C300 across the street and ventured to Keys Mercedes in order to see what they have to offer, as they are the official dealer and have certified pre-owned cars. We were met by some sales person who was rude from the get go and when he figured we are not looking for something where he can make more money on us, got even ruder. Told us that they have nothing to offer..and the prices they have for C300 ( which were much higher) are good and if we don't wanna buy in on that we can pretty much "keep walking"...We took the advice and walked back across where professional, knowledgeable and honest people gave us great deal on the car I wanted ( the rate was a bit high as my credit was not ideal but it was told to us straight up and I had no problem with it)....No dirty tricks and we even got platinum extended warranty on the car.Thanks Miller Honda...

At that point I swore never to go back to Keys Mercedes....

Well, few days ago we decided we need a small SUV to cater our two 100 lbs puppies and suit the other family needs. I recently got promoted and got great salary increase and could definitely spend some mula on payments.

We went to look at Nissan and Honda and didn't find what we wanted. I kind of liked GLK 350 beforehand, and so we go "well lets just go look it wouldn't hurt" right? Oh no...

We go in the keys and this sales person meets us, and he is nice..We tell him we have been wronged here before and he assures he won't let it happen again...we find the right priced 2012 Certified GLK...Great....they run the credit, we go back and forth with offers ( at this point hours have passed already)...Finally we are passed to the shadiest Russian dude around (is this because we are Russians or what?)...He proceeds to go rude by telling us the deal they offer us is exceptional and we should be soo happy and so on because no one else can offer us such great deal at this percent....we eventually agree to sign papers and go to finance department...only to find in process they stashed extra 3k for warranty on car that is already covered by warranty without telling us and some other things we didn't ask for...they have it crossed out ...We sign...They assure us everything is great and they grantee the financing, because they are the largest dealership in the USA blah blah...

Well the day after they ask for three moth ( 3 MONTH) of my bank statements, which again is fine because in reality I make even more then I put on their application, and way more then enough to cover the damn car they sold me. They give me wrong email to send them to the first time, and cannot get them next few times I email, and then they can't print them out ...So I am asked to fax statements which I do.

A day later, finance manager calls me and says oh sorry but we had hard time finding bank to finance you because you have another auto loan open ( what?? you run my credit report A$$holes! ).They got finances in order finally he says...but the ONLY change is we have to do 60 instead of 66 months and that's it....and can we come resign the contract.

We drive down there and shady Russian dude proceeds to tell us that not only time span differs, they also could only prove us for a higher rate...Are they first day in this business that they do not know what people can and cannot qualify for? and how the hell they tried to offer us shady deal where they offered to make the price of car higher and interest lower by nearly a half if they cant even approve me for twice as much??? And why was I lied to on the phone???

We are seriously considering returning the car to them now...




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