
4 years ago

This company started a construction project in my ...

This company started a construction project in my neighborhood. They put the speed limit down to 30, but forgot to put up an "end construction" sign on the route i drive so the result is that they have effectively changed the speed limit for my entire neighborhood to 30kph. I contacted the city and they confirmed that every construction zone should have a clear place where it ends and they took my complaint, but recommended i contact the construction company as well.

Today i did just that. I went up to the site and asked the nearest worker if i could talk to the site supervisor for a moment. He told me where he was on the site and told me to go talk to him. I told him i didnt feel comfortable walking on to a construction site without ppe but he told me that was the only way i could speak to him. At this point, i walked over to the group of workers by the supervisors truck and explained the situation. Rather than just saying they would put up the sign like i expected them too, the started to argue with me.

First they asked what my qualifications were. They didnt believe me that an "end construction zone" sign was required. I explained that its common knowlege, that i had googled it, and that i confirmed it with the city.

Then they said it shouldnt matter because the city is going to make all residential speed limits 30. This one surprised me. I explained that if and when that happens it wont have anything to do with volker and stevin and that the current limit is 50.

Finally they decided to complain about me walking on to their site without ppe. I explained that i was directed to by one of their staff. They said that it was common sense that i shouldnt have listened to him because he doesnt speak english. The guys english was really not that bad. Im sure he knows what ppe is.

They did finally agree to "look in to it" but wouldnt go as far as to say they would put up a sign. It worries me that we trust this company not just with traffic signs, but with working on our cities infrastructure.

Edit - well after speaking to a few more people and much effort, they finally agreed to put up the sign. I saw it today on my way home. I have changed the rating to a 3 star review. How they run their sites is the reason it isn't higher, but I'm very thankful for the sign.


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