Felicia Givens

4 years ago

***very sneaky business practice

***very sneaky business practice
**gets upset when confronted about the damage
**tells me its cosmetic
**tells me my screen is bent
**tells me they can bend the screen but it may break it
***sent it home twice broken hoping we wouldn't notice
*****My Full Review****
we took our Ipad mini in two weeks ago week, they had to order the part a new LCD screen, They replaced it and we paid for it, It was still broken when we got it home, I called them back and I advise them the screen has what looks like a smudge mark trapped in between the glass and the LCD..****
They were Friendly and great and said bring it back and they would fix it we did, They claimed to have fixed it sent it home and good God same problem I called back and told them its still broken,
******this time he told me that is cosmetic damage, but offered to repair it a 3rd time by breaking the frame, I declined because twice they let a damaged Ipad leave there place of business both time claiming to have fixed it,when they didn't,.
*********I know they changed the LCD because the original problem was it had lines running through it, but when we got it back the 1st time and it had these inside smudge marks that grew on the screen and makes everything foggy like a fuzzy picture, (They sent it home like this)
the 2nd time they said they fixed it and sent it home, it had the same smudge marks *********
there will be no 3rd time, he told me the LCD doesn't always fit and my screen was bent, My screen was never bent before, it has a cover that it goes in,the cover folds it up and it make the Ipad Mini look like a book,*****
My only recourse is to try another place and have them fix it,
I told the rude guy I talk to the 2nd time, They should have told me they couldn't repair it and that the damage almost looks like water damaged that when he got rude telling me its only cosmetic not water damaged, he told me the Ipad Mini still works, I wish they would have said we cant fix it, anyways if another repair place tells me its a damaged LCD, I am taking them to small claims court for the cost to fix it at the other store, the money I spent with them and time, because this isn't right.
****my frustration comes from twice they sent this home to us and twice it was broken and they knew it***

I wish if someone else had this experience they would have left it, So I could have made a better decision on taking my Ipad there or knew ok, the LCDs they order may not fit, or they could have at least told us that when it left the store the 1st time they couldn't repair it 100%, They could have explained the LCD doesn't fit, we tried to repair it but are unable to get the smudge marks off the screen,it may cause some blurring given us a discount because they did repair the LCD, the problem is between the LCD and the actual touch screen he said he added tape to fix it and cant add more tape.
I did talk to Apple who offered to replace it at an out of warranty replacement,But I am going to take it to another repair place will update and tell you what they said


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