
nahomb nahom

4 years ago

Some one hit me in a car accident in DC and i was ...

Some one hit me in a car accident in DC and i was taken by an ambulance in to the emergency room when i got in i was in pain and they to me to go to the front and register because one they didn't care two they where two lazy the info from the ambulance person which they already have all the info they need i came in 5 pm and i waited and waited i was in pain all the time believe when i say i saw the doctor at around 3AM i waited 10H before i saw the doctor i say some patients living the ER because they gave up that they wouldn't be taken care of it was a very sad seen people were waiting for hours and hours i felt so bad for all the people that was there i could believe they call them self a hospital it is the most uncaring place ever i feel so bad for the people that live in that area.I live in VA and if you go in the emergence room you are in and out within 1h and the care they provide for you is excellent you will see the doctor with in 10 min they need to come to VA and learn some. Who ever is running that " hospitals" has to get fired or need to to make a big change. I don't do reviews but i really care about the people i was very sadden by what i saw i am writing this in the hope that they well make a change and they need to give each person that comes to the hospital a review paper so they can see how the staff is doing and area that they need to improve on. Finally i want to give the Doctor a credit she saw i long i waited and felt very bad and apologize to me and she was very nice and caring thanks you Doctor for the apology i hope they give you a better team.


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