Mark Veltman

4 years ago

.. a wonderful weekend away, from the Randstad to ...

.. a wonderful weekend away, from the Randstad to the vast wooded area with a beautiful luxury design hotel. Immediately upon arrival very friendly reception, which is striking since this unfortunately does not happen often anymore at the hotel. Our room was not yet ready, so had a drink in the nice front bar / lunch area of the hotel. We wanted to eat dinner outside the hotel, since my wife does not like game. Maarten, a very friendly and also highly skilled skilled sommelier / manager who told us enthusiastically about the hotel, food and history (including the owner who is called the "taste professor" (**)) of the hotel. He went out of his way to put together a nice 5-course dinner for my wife in consultation with the kitchen. We can only say that this is more than successful. We enjoyed the explanation of each dish / and the wines. The atmosphere is intimate, casual but at a high level culinary enjoyment (The 1st Michelin star was earned in 1967). We visit a lot of hotels and restaurants, but the Echoput has stolen our hearts on several fronts. We will certainly come back more often to relax, enjoy the hotel, food ambiance and certainly the environment.

(**) Dr. Peter Klosse

"Taste professor" Peter Klosse has been the owner of Hotel de Echoput since 1986. In 1991 he founded the Academy of Gastronomy and in 2004 Klosse obtained his PhD at the University of Maastricht with his dissertation on taste and taste classification. In the meantime, Peter Klosse has further explored the scientific side of taste and taste. He writes more than 10 books, develops a groundbreaking new Taste Theory, for which he will be awarded a PhD in 2004 at the University of Maastricht. Doctor Klosse now holds two professorships in Gastronomy, first at Stenden University in Leeuwarden and now at Hogeschool Zuyd in Maastricht. Klosse is a popular speaker and his talks are fascinating and impressive for a wide audience


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