Marvine - Chanel Dixon

4 years ago

My Son (JP) was court ordered to this facility by ...

My Son (JP) was court ordered to this facility by the Miami -Dade County Court, For a Dual Treatment . He suffers with various mental disorders and he has a serious drug addiction. My family was told that this was the best place for him and that because he was court ordered that the facility(Better Way ) would be responsible for the coordination of his medical and psychiatric care as well as his scheduled court appearances. And we were told that they would make sure that he was given his medication daily and taking it properly.

Well sad to report that it was all a lie. This place is the most unprofessional establishment that has ever existed. The county major and the Dade-county comptroller s office needs to investigate the shady /underhanded way this place is being operated.

1. No one ever set up any medical or psychiatric appointments for him
and he has to get a monthly injection to keep him from hearing voice- he suffers with audio hallucinations, and all of this was given to them in his medical records.

2. They never called me or my family to let us know that JP was off/ out of his medications or that no one was transporting him.

3. They don't have any type of assistance to help anyone get off of drugs. they can t even keep drugs off the premises.

4. It has been proven that someone at the Better way was giving him marijuana to smoke.

5. They need to shut down- they are waste of the tax payers money and they don't deserve the non-profit funding that they receive.

Last but certainly not least they kicked him out of the program because he was acting irate and punched holes in their walls and they claim that he was caught smoking marijuana 3 X on campus.
Get this they didn't tell us that he was discharged or kicked out in a professional way. When we went to pick him up to take him to a Drs. Appt.& to his court appt.( because they wouldn't take him)
One of their employees told us that, They just wanted to give us a heads up before we got to JP. We were told they are not planning on letting him come back to the program.
They sent a false document to the court today saying that JP successful completed the program, but was being discharged and couldn't return due to him being caught smoking marijuana 3 X on campus.

Does that sound like a successful completion to you? Who Can you trust, with your family s life/health and wellness or their future. If the Judge ordered him to be drug free or it will be direct violation, Why didn't they send an order or report to the courts that he was in violation and appear in court with him? That my question.

Who is there to Audit these kind of places? Someone said it was poorly ran and that they are prejudice. Well These people don't give a dam about their patients/clients and it doesn't matter what color they are!
They only care about 1 color and that's GREEN County Tax $$$$$$ !!!!
We need help!!


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