
4 years ago

Save yourself a lot of suffering and don't start.

Save yourself a lot of suffering and don't start.

I followed an MBO and a HBO study at NCOI. They promise a lot, but cannot deliver much. There is often no question of classroom training. In addition, guidance is very hard to find and at NCOI you are not a student but a product where NCOI tries to get the maximum profit. Some examples:

The examination regulations have been changed regarding the inspection of exams. Previously, the exams and answers were posted on e-connect the week after the exam. Now you have to register for a viewing time (during office hours) in Hilversum. They will not come to the working Netherlands. According to NCOI, they have had requests from several students for this method of inspection. I haven't come across one in 9 years of studying at NCOI.

In addition, costs are charged for submitting an objection. These costs will only be charged when the objection is well-founded. However, this is often so subjective that it has often happened that the Board of Examiners came up with a nonsensical answer that did not get off the ground, which you had to do with as a student.

You get 3 options for each exam. If you fail in these 3 options, you have to redo the entire module. For written exams this was only possible on prescribed dates. However, if it is not possible to participate for any personal reason, this option will lapse. That's where my vacation went.

When you register for a resit of a digital exam, it must be scheduled within 6 weeks after the application. If you already have other modules running, then you are out of luck. Resit opportunity and money gone.

Even more misery starts when writing the thesis. Again, I do not think that this is corrected objectively. In my case, the research proposal was not approved. For this I received feedback with points for improvement. After adjusting these points and submitting a corrected version, it was again not approved. Improvement points were already given that were already in the 1st version. This is mopping with the tap open, but there is no point in making a complaint here.

If you have to retake your thesis, you must purchase new supervision hours. Even if you did not use any of the original guidance hours. These may not be included in a resit.

It has happened that the thesis supervisor had approved the thesis in order to defend it. Subsequently, 3 other assessors came to the same conclusion. However, NCOI found it necessary to appoint a new assessor who did not approve the thesis. Therefore, the thesis had to be retaken (with the purchase of new supervision hours).

From teachers to decision they have been told that they are not allowed to have personal contact with students. The student has to make do with the classroom lessons (if they even go ahead). If additional contact is required, the student must pay for it.

When you have finally successfully defended your thesis, you are not yet rid of misery. To get a diploma you must first request all certificates from the examination committee of the obtained modules and then send them back to the examination committee! When I requested the certificates, I did not receive all certificates at the time. The certificates that were obtained in the old program (The program has been accredited in the meantime, as a result of which 2 courses were created, as it were. One before accreditation and one after accreditation) could be requested using an application form. Costs 50 per certificate.

I'm glad I have nothing to do with these money wolves anymore.

N.a.v. response below. I don't feel like getting in touch yet. The points I indicated above have already been raised when they took place. Then nothing was done with it and that will not happen with this facade.


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