Mike Skinner

3 years ago

I have osteoarthritis in my lower back and neck. I...

I have osteoarthritis in my lower back and neck. I had an appt. with Dr. Schaffer, who I had researched and was comfortable with. When I went to my appt., Dr. Schaffer was too busy, so Dr. Battista took my appt.. That was upsetting to me. They just assumed that I didn't care who was poking around on my spine. I took the time to write up a complete history of my problems and mailed it to the office weeks before my first appt.. It was obvious at every appt. that the history was never read. Dr. Battista sure didn't read it, he didn't even know I was going to be a patient of his until it became obvious that Dr. Schaffer wouldn't be there. I was told that I needed to have an MRI, and that they would schedule the appt. and call me with the date. I called after a week, and they told me not to worry, it just hadn't been done yet. Three weeks later I called, and they had forgotten to schedule the MRI, and now all of my subsequent appts. needed to be rescheduled. Finally, I had my MRI and returned to CNY spine for the MRI review. I have several treatable issues, but because I was not in pain that day, the Dr. couldn't do anything to help me. He said to call when I was in pain and they would get me in to take care of it. I don't remember his exact words, but I left with the impression that when I called, he would get me in within a few days and provide me with some relief. About two months later I called, in pain and needing assistance. They told me they would be happy to make an appt. for me to come in and discuss what options they might pursue to manage my pain. No action would be taken at that time to actually help me. That would require yet another appt.. I was so upset, I declined further treatment.
Summary- Don't bother to write out your history in an effort to help. They won't read it. Don't expect to see the Dr. that you have an appt. with. Expect at least 4 office visits before you will see any kind of relief from your pain.


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