Nico Kunz

4 years ago

Zwolle, 1 February 2019

Zwolle, 1 February 2019

Isala Clinic, Department of Cardiology Secretariat.

Reason: Control pacemaker.

Be ALERT and be very assertive yourself and definitely stand up for yourself.

Avoid answering if we are going to plan it for you, well because that is of little use or much later than intended.

Example: Called the department about control pacemaker at the end of November. Answer you are on the list of January 2019.
Well you guessed it NO agreement so.

Last day of January 2019 to the desk of the secretariat. Oh yes, you are on the list for January. I experienced it, but Madam it is January 31st. Oh yes, well then we are going to schedule you anyway. I am asked how the procedure is. I am polite, I do not know that, but I do the whole ritual (ECG, control pacemaker and cardiologist). The employee is going to inquire after all. She comes back after 10 minutes. Well no, not the ritual only control and cardiologist. OK I say plan. If I come home with the schedule, only see an appointment (ATTENTION, mid March 2019) with the cardiologist. So no control pacemaker. I call the secretariat. Is recorded immediately (not on hold).
Explained what is wrong. What do you think "should I inquire for you". After 10 minutes on hold, sir, there must also be a check of the pacemaker before you go to the cardiologist. If there is a bone on top of "Going for you, sir" is the answer. I say it the same day for my appointment at the cardiologist. Answer from the secretary of the secretariat "Well no sir it does not work like that, we are going to plan you again and you will receive a reply by letter".

So then I just shot out of my shoe.
Where the lady of the secretariat tells me that she does not pick up and breaks the connection. So as a patient we have to pick everything up.

Outrageous, you come for your "right". But because of the bureaucracy and the inability to empathize, by the employees, in the patient there is therefore a lot of noise and the patient is 'ALWAYS' the victim and you stand empty-handed as a loner.

Now empty hands, so now wait and see when I can get control and of course also with the cardiologist.

Nico Kunz, Zwolle

Isala's reply to the complaint is only a new planning for the control and cardiologist (1 day later now scheduled). On the new planning only and small handwritten message
"Excuse me for the incomplete appointment of 12 March ..... The appointment will take place 1 day later.
No further reaction.


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