
- Webster
Review of Gotta Hava Java

4 years ago

This place!

This place!
The cutest storybook looking coffee shop I've ever seen! It's about the size of a photo mat. Look it up kids, it's a thing from the before-fore time. The green paint contrasting against the warn brown, finished wood trim is perfect. Even up close the construction is clean and sharp. There are two little places to sit on the porch that's decorated with potted plants but it's so small only the operator fits inside. She's got everything she needs in there. They sell quite a few different flavors of coffee and smoothies with shots and syrups, muffins and biscuits! We had blueberry muffins. They must get them from someone nearby baking these things for the town. They're perfect! Warn, soft and just sweet enough. I don't even think she uses a microwave to warm them.
The lady who served us comes complete with an accent. I won't venture to guess whether it's Australian or New Zealand.
It's takes a bit of time to wrangle it all together but it's worth it.


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