Pipp Pipp

3 years ago

There was a lawyer in this organization assigned t...

There was a lawyer in this organization assigned to my case. I got bullied during every single interaction. I finally had to complete paperwork myself to meet a deadline, when the attorney kept delaying and making excuses. Then, the lawyer attacked me again for that. Thus far, I have done all the work myself since this organization accepted my case. Then, after I did all the work, the lawyer claimed, 11 months later, after she directed me to name her as the attorney on the paperwork and the affidavits and documents were sent to her, claimed she was no longer representing for the actual legal portion of the case where the organization was supposed to represent me...while my case was accepted, pending and waiting to be heard in front of the judge. She claimed this "decision" was made the year previous, but no documentation was sent to me verifying that, and her name was listed as the legal representative on the paperwork I submitted at her direction. She got a copy of all the notices and replies for that reason. I feel as if I'm being bullied by this agency, in addition to being bullied in regard to my disability that they were supposed to help, protect and rescue me from. The interaction with the lawyer was rife with bullying from beginning to end. It felt like I was being further squashed and squeezed past ability to cope by everything this agency did not do to help me. Though the lawyer claimed her "representation" ended with my filing my own formal complaint that she couldn't be bothered to help with, reality is they did not represent me at all. I have had to do all the work myself. And, the legal representation that I needed in front of the judge that I applied for, was approved and promised, was reneged, with the same backpeddling, excuses, attacking and blaming me for their incompetence and what they promised to do, but did not. This organization does not help people with disabilities as promised, according to their mission statement. They do not protect from discrimination or bullying, but engage in and promote it. They help crush disabled people who are already past their coping point, and just do not care. I do not understand why they are getting grants. My case fits all the parameters of what they claim they are there to do....yet, they refused, failed then blamed me for that deliberate neglect and failure. This organization does not defend the disabled, but further victimizes disabled persons who need help and advocacy the most. I did not get one iota of advocacy or representation as promised after they accepted my case: just bullying, blaming and attacking at a time when I am most vulnerable and least able to cope. They did not do anything as promised. Worse: they treated me with annoyance and contempt when I did finally call for help...which took a lot. This organization needs an overhaul, to be held to account for what they are not doing, for how they treat the disabled, their neglect and failure to carry out their mission statement that they are receiving federal grant money for. This is why disabled people give up, give out and give in. Even the agencies earmarked to defend and protect them, and support their right to accommodations and dignity in the workplace, take advantage of them and refuse. The people giving this organization grant money need to investigate, ask clients what is really happening and stop funding this abuse of grants meant to support, defend, protect and help disabled people. These people are not doing
that. They are, instead, promoting stigma and discrimination by how they treat disabled people coming to them for help, promising help and services then refusing to deliver or follow through.


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