Olga Volk

3 years ago

My son was going for swim class second summer ther...

My son was going for swim class second summer there, and he is still in beginning level.
Instructors are not caring if the students hear them, or not pay attention to their instructions. The water is cold, the kids were shaking from coldness. The little pool had warmer water in comparing with big one last year, this year the water is cold in both pools. There were no any dry clean towels, but there was paper towels for hands.
When I asked why, the answer was that the they have the same water hitter for both pools, when I asked how was it possible, that last year the water was warmer in the little pool, I got the same answer as they have the same water hitter for both pools. The bottom of the little pool makes scratches as it is rough-finished. The water in the showers was sometimes cold and there was a note to use it only 2 minutes. The dressing rooms are cold, they made with open outside air spaces. My 5 years old son got bleeding in several places on his body, and rush on his chest, I showed his bleedings and rashes and instructor told it happened there with other kids because of surface of small pool and because the kids scrached themselves of jumping board when they jump into the water during their lessons. My son was allowed to come back with his open bleeding wounds next day, the instructor did not even offer First Aid. He had enough of this pool. I hope he did not pick up illnesses there.
I would not recommend these swim classes to others.


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