Robin Ganguly
Review of Knab

4 years ago

My experience after more than 5 years as a KNAB cu...

My experience after more than 5 years as a KNAB customer:
I have a company doing import & trade of goods (B2B). KNAB seemed a good and inexpensive banking option at the time I started my company. Over the years I ran into some business obstructing limitations like their inability to process a Letter of Credit and work with online payments (modern form of the previous "wired money transfer") of non-Euro currencies.
Lately their KNAB app stopped working correctly on my Huawei Android phone after an update through Google Play store. I couldn't log on and approve payments without using the reader device, which worked fine before using the KNAB app. I reinstalled the app but it still crashed right after logging onto it with my app-PIN. I reported the problem through their online chat on my laptop. They registered the problem and hoped it would be fixed with a new release of the app. So did I and I waited for more than one month for this new version of their app and this morning it was finally available in the Google Play store. I installed it but unfortunately the problem was not resolved. I deleted the app (again!!) and reinstalled it. Couldn't get it to work because the option to register the newly installed app with my ID-card/passport didn't work. Got a link from their online chat that allowed me to make the link between the app on my phone and my account. That link was not shown in the app! Luckily that seemed to work but now the option to log on to my account on my laptop using the KNAP app instead of the reader still doesn't work, letting the app crash again at this point. I tried several times but each time the app crashes at the same point after I typed my app-PIN.
Their customer service again and again suggested that I should reinstall the app and re-establish the link between my device and my account even if it made no sense to try the same thing again and again. They seem to forget that it is not my job to professionally test their software/app and constantly gave me the impression that I am the one who does something wrong....having an IT background so I understand how the mechanism should work!
They even suggested that I should get a Samsung Android phone instead of my Huawei Android phone because they claim that their app works well on Samsung Android!! I wondered whether they had lost their mind!
I feel stuck now at this bank having made company paper with this banking information on it and having this account number communicated to all my customers.

KNAB has now put me with my back against the wall! I have a Huawei smartphone on which all apps still work fine accept for the KNAB-app. KNAB now requires me to re-identify (with NFC chip in my passport) through their KNAB-app which I cannot do because they have still not provided me again with a working version of their app. I cannot re-identify myself through their browser-based environment and they announced to stop supporting this browser-based environment as well. This means that I will not have access to my own business account within 2 weeks (remaining to re-identify) and they thereby endanger my business, because I cannot pay my bills anymore after these 2 weeks. My only option to stay with KNAB is to buy a new phone (!!) and re-identify through the only way they provide i.e. through their KNAB-app. No other alternative provided by KNAB!

Because KNAB puts my business at risk through this action I have decided to open an account with another bank and move away from a bank that offers no other alternative than their app to access my account. Even if I would buy another smartphone, I would still move away from this bank because having just one way of access to my account is too risky from a business perspective. What if my phone crashes in the future of gets stolen? I would still not be able to access my account and fulfill my payment obligations. NOT ACCEPTABLE!!
If I would have known this, I would have never joint this bank!!


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