
Review of Box hill TAFE

4 years ago

I studied in Box hill TAFE during(2007-2008) and i...

I studied in Box hill TAFE during(2007-2008) and it was my worst nightmare .As an international student I did not know what should I do about the mistreatment and problems at the TAFE so I had to tolerate every thing .When I checked the website and saw the reviews I realized that this institute is keeping treating students poorly and after many years I am telling you how bad was my experience not because I want them to solve the long time effects they had on my life but to let new students know about the neglect and unaccepted behaviour and professionalism of teachers and managers and whoever is responsible to stop and act accordingly.
I enrolled in hairdressing and started the course with lots of positive attitude and enthusiasm. We had a handful of teachers and there were all good on the first day or two but they showed their true face shortly .I must admit that only a few teachers(a new Greek lady, an Italian lady and an old Australian lady with short blond hair that were good) the rest were absolute mean bullies .They had a number of students including me who they constantly used to pick on and get humiliated in front of other students. I particularly was a target .I am from a background that should respect and not talking back to teachers .Because I had study visa I was afraid to say anything too. If I believe I was doing something wrong I would not comeback to the website and write this. Even if someone does something not quite right teachers do not have the right to bully students or treat them poorly. Their treatment always reminded me of slavery .We were slaves and they were royals. From snapping to with holding hairdressing teaching to humiliating in front of students and client, etc... .One of the teachers who was called Natalie (I still remember her name because I used to write emails to the manager every session I had class with her) she even one day raised her hand to threat me to hit me.
I wish I was one of the students who changed their school after one semester and would not tricked by the school. I remember when the class complained and told the institute they are changing their school, a Chinese lady that I think she was manager of international students came to class and with a smile on her face sweetly told us Box hill TAFE is government funded and we will have better career opportunity if we graduate from thereafter I realized that graduating from BOX hill TAFE has any thing to do with getting a job whatsoever. When I graduated from there I was totally broken and traumatised .I was in bed for weeks and still had fear of teachers .The memories were hunting me. They did not even teach hairdressing much. They do not even follow their basic duty of care. My back was injured in the class and the teacher was there I could not stand and I was moving around sitting on the chair .One of the rude teacher (her name was Sally)she just looked and said ooh and continued marking students homework. She did not write it in the incident form or any thing.
On the last year of my studies there I started talking to the manger and sending her emails but nothing was done. On the last semester my hair fell in a patch from stress and I remembered I was laughed at by two teachers one day because of that.
Every time I told somebody in charge (including the student support team and counsellor)nothing was done and they denied my stress is from the teachers.
I am sure the karma got them by now or it will soon or later but you guys who are going to study there or any where or are going to study do not be another me .When you see a person in duty is not doing the right thing to you stick together and speak up. If you all do not go the class the teacher will be gone. When you pay and they do not do their job properly do not ignore. There are always a legitimate way to defend your rights. The teachers and staff are getting paid every week to do their job , to do your admin work, to teach you and to care for you and to respect you. Its not only them with the right of the world.
Good luck and all the best with your studies.


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