
Review of WWU

3 years ago

From my initial "confirmation fee" all the way to ...

From my initial "confirmation fee" all the way to my final quarter, the biggest thing I learned at Western Washington University is that they are motivated by greed. I detest how WWU fancies themselves humanitarian and progressive, yet will screw over one of their own students in favor of convenience or more money. They often had grad students pose as professors for Math, which quite obviously stems from the universities attempt to save money. One of them was the worst the teacher I ever had. The education was overly experimental and didn't do anything more for me that youtube could. Despite being so money hungry, they fork out millions for a basketball gym. This inconveniences all students who have to pay for the building and squeeze past construction on the daily. But who benefits besides the universities image? Going to Western was literally the worst decision of my life, now that I see all this student debt.


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