4 years ago

This library really needs to consider relocating t...

This library really needs to consider relocating to a bigger facility. A two or three story building would suffice. This library has it all. I have never had a bad encounter with any of the workers they are all wonderful and very helpful.
The area just needs more room to house the different areas they service.
The children area need to be redecorated, the walls are dark and outdated. There is hardly any toys or play areas for the children. It would be nice if there were audio sessions for children who prefer audio books.
Also the area behind the counter looks cluttered and messy. If the books were displayed differently to accommodate what encores children to read.
The teen space also needs tbeir own area and not the cluttered space it has now.

Relocate with as much money we pay in taxes for the library it s a wonder the library hasn t updated and relocated. Something like Memphis library or portland s Library.

Jonesboro is only getting bigger and the public library is already out grown itself.


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