Adrian Koh

3 years ago

Made a request from Singapore about two days befor...

Made a request from Singapore about two days before my stay, to request for a bouquet of flowers and a birthday cake for my wife and my son, who are celebrating their birthdays one day apart. The CSO said that should not be a problem, to my delight. However, one day later, she dropped my an email telling me that it is not possible, until I checked into my hotel. I could write to them though. Baffled, I replied that email to request for the hotel's contact at the soonest - it came only one week later!

At check-in, I asked if anyone conveyed the message to prepare a bouquet of flowers and cake. They gave me an impression it did, but they are only able to prepare small cakes for us, not the bouquet. I am fine with it. I specifically asked them to place a written note on the cake that will be delivered to my room. I got the promise.

When I moved into my room, I requested for the cake to be sent. Inexplicably, the person who answered my call (who was the same guy who attended to me at check-in, transferred me to the room service kitchen. My conversation with them revealed that they were quite clueless on what I requested for. It was only after some explanation, they appeared to understand. Alas, the came without the note, and I had to ask them to bring it back and get the note. Surprise dashed!

Every call for amenity top-up nearly took at least 30 minutes before it arrive at my room. On the first day, I asked for bottled water without the need to pay extra. On the second day, I asked for it, only to be presented with a bill of $16. I fail to understand what system is this.

My failed entry to car park made me stuck at the gate for about 10 minute, as the intercom button led to no one answering the call. I had to press for a ticket, bring it to the counter to get it validated. Unnecessary hassle in view that there is a call button at the gate!

WiFi was spotty most of the times. My laptop gets disconnected from the WiFi, and I cannot get back on, unless I disconnect it, and reboot my system. I am not kidding, I had to try this almost everytime, and I really do not know why is this so!

That said, I see most of the staff putting in their best to provide us with the nest service. However, there seems to be something that limits their ability to deliver the best they can. Is it communication? Is it infrastructure? Is it the lack of empowerment? I simply cannot point to a source.

Something is just lacking, and it is a real pity for Novotel!


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