Kyle McNeal

3 years ago

I miss it when it was the Division of Wildlife, wh...

I miss it when it was the Division of Wildlife, when they cared more about people getting outside and hunting and fishing.

Since under Hickenlooper we have gone to a Parks and Wildlife managed system, we have gone so far down a bureaucratic nightmare that it isn't funny.

Being forced to buy fishing / hunting licenses that you do not want or may not use, to making it impossible to register OHV's.

The Colorado Department of Parks and Wildlife has been come worse than the DMV and is just filled with bureaucrats that are more interested in scamming people out of money rather than serving their constituents and performing a public service.

Hickenlooper should be ashamed in the department he left and Polis should be ashamed of the department he has under him.

Yes I understand they are not directly involved with many decisions but they were / are the head of the state that these departments ultimately report up to, therefore they need to be held accountable for their departments failure to serve the community.


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