3 years ago

I went to the ER due to some back pain and dizzine...

I went to the ER due to some back pain and dizziness that resulted in me almost passing out. When I got there I had to get blood work done and I am not the best when it comes to that. After getting blood drawn I started to get dizzy and my ears started to ring. The nurse who drew my blood kept on saying I had to go back to the waiting room, but I physically couldn t move. If I stood up I would ve fainted. My mom tried to get attention of another nurse, once she did she explained what is happening to me. Instead of trying to help me the nurse only said I don t know who she is. and proceeded to do nothing. I felt like that for a few minutes, my back and stomach was hurting, there was ringing in my ears, I would ve passed out and all they cared about is that I got back to the waiting room. Finally after a few minutes they got me a wheel chair. The same nurse who drew my blood would ask us questions and before we could even answer or finish our answer she would walk away. I m sure that there are wonderful nurses and doctors that work there however I have never seen nurses as unprofessional as the ones I mentioned.


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