Delilah Cirilo

3 years ago

My 18 year old sister was taken to Wyckoff Hospita...

My 18 year old sister was taken to Wyckoff Hospital because her body had this unctrollable jerking motion that wouldn't go away. She was concious, alert, able to speak and hear. It was literally just her body kind of twitching. Upon arriving my sister had 2 seizures. She was then admitted and givien epileptic seizure medication. During the 3 days my sister had a total of 18 seizures. They continued to try different medications and increase the dosage without discovering the cause of the seizures. Clearly her body wasn't responding to the medication and that can only mean she was being misdiagnosed. 1 nurse or doctor w.e she was even tried to say "ohhh at least they are getting shorter" which was absolutely false. All her seizures lasted 8-10 minutes. Her body was telling us what her brain and mouth couldn't. My sister broke down crying so many times because she was tired of being medicated and her body was hurting. We thought my sister was going to die. I over heard nurses saying they dont undsrstand what was going on but they never told us that, just continued medicating. The Neurologist wasn't on site, everything was over the phone and waiting for his response took hours. Now all it took was me going online to figure out that my sister was experiencing PNES. The reason her body wasn't responding to the meds is because PNES is a psychological seizure and epeleptic medication can trigger seizures even more. My mother brought this up to a doctor but there was no change in her care. She continued seizing, they continued medicating.....and 3 different seizure meds at that.....in 1 day! To make matters worse they did a EEG and didn't tell us the results until the next day. When we asked why we didn't know this sooner, the "doctors" response was "I thought you were informed." This doctor along with the neurologist didn't like to be asked questions. They just wanted to do what they wanted to my sister and because they had the degree they felt they knew best. My mother finally got fed up and demanded a transfer. When the neurologist find out about the request, he agreed that she should be transferred. Clearly the uptight doctor didn't know it all afterall. My sister suffered so much because they didnt want to listen, just shoot her up with meds. I gave it 2 stars because there was 1 nurse who was amazing. She treated my sister so much love and care and you can see it was genuine. Also, the psychologist they had on sight was very good with her as well.

Point is....I rather drive my family however many miles then have then go to Wyckoff which is less than 10 minutes away from our home.


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