Michelle p
Review of Tranquil Shores

3 years ago

As a successful female executive, I had experience...

As a successful female executive, I had experienced many "1st's" & "youngest" achievements. I had raised two successful children that were happy in their lives. I had all the trappings that "successful" brings you. I thought I was strong, invincible even.

Then a series of life events sucker punched me and also removed scabs from other events in the past. I was haunted and consumed.

I became a "functional" alcoholic. Ha! - a contradiction in terms. And then I dissolved into a broken, hopeless alcoholic.

I found my way to Tranquil Shores. Still in executive mode, I arrived with a list of objectives. I was going to tackle this problem like I did any other. I am sure my counselor must have chuckled to herself. Except my way hadn't worked very well. I learned to ask the question "how is that working for you?"

Instead of my checklist of issues, Tranquil Shores saved me and helped me discover my humanity. Instead of scabs over my feelings and hurts, Tranquil Shores helped me completely heal.

My alcoholism then just became a symptom that developed from my underlying pain. Once healed, I found the peace and serenity that had always eluded me during my frenzied, competitive lifestyle. My life's views changed. The internal messaging that I told myself became loving and gentle.

My entire life changed in 90 days. At Tranquil Shores, they created an individual program for me that got to issues I wasn't aware of and certainly hadn't included on my initial list. The staff is amazing. Both clinical and property staff are uniquely qualified to provide support and healing for each client. They will always be in my heart as angels sent for me.

Miracles happen at Tranquil Shores.


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