Francesco Cinque

4 years ago

I call customer service to request early repayment...

I call customer service to request early repayment of the loan -> send an email
I send the mail -> must call customer service
Call customer service -> do the practice, send the documents back to me as soon as possible (I receive nothing)
Call customer service -> a person who is nervous from my request replies, saying they would send the file that is being processed
- They pass days -
Call the customer service -> responds a girl who says to send an email. I explain everything to her and she literally answers "I know how it works, the others don't" (referring to her colleagues). Despite my extremely calm and calm tone of voice, he gets nervous and hangs up the phone in my face.
Call customer service -> another operator answers. I explain everything (including the last phone call) and he tells me that he has sent the extinction procedure forward (we'll see if it's true), at this point, if it isn't, I will go directly to a legal action.

Only now, to write this review, I have read the experiences of other users. I would say that this method of rebounds may appear in the eyes of a consumer as a desired action, precisely to avoid early repayment of the loan.

Clearly the company cannot be unaware of these methods and if it was not aware of them it would not be justifiable, as it is directly responsible for the training of its employees. The point is therefore that despite being aware of it, it accepts a certain behavior.

I now turn to citizens and consumers, the next time these gentlemen will bother you at home to offer you promotions, great deals, etc. remember all these services and hang up the phone without giving them a chance to talk. So maybe they will understand what it means to be powerless and not be heard. Because we, without Findomestic funding, can live, but without customers, no.


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