Review of Indiana State T

4 years ago

The campus does offer a decent amount of opportuni...

The campus does offer a decent amount of opportunities for activities that are non-class related. There is some cultural diversity here, but there are SO many Saudi Arabian people here. With the current view most Americans have towards these people, I feel that there are too many here. I've personally had to block several from social media, because they find lists of current students and try to friend other people and are very pushy about hanging out; it's quite unnerving and uncomfortable. And the women are wearing full traditional dress, face covered and all except for the eyes. There are also tons of people from Indianapolis and Chicago in attendance here, making the white/black population about even. Many of these people are extremely rude, loud, and obnoxious. I suppose you can find this anywhere, but you see this absolutely everywhere around campus. Also, don't bother attending any dances or homecoming type activities on campus; the entire event becomes a big ghetto bash and there's no point even going if you're white. The food selection is decent, but it's pretty much your standard cafeteria food in the dining halls - you'll never need laxatives while you're here, I'll leave it at that. I have no option but to finish at this school, but the gpa needed to get in here isn't really high. I'm hoping that businesses and corporations don't look down on this school for the sake of graduates trying to find decent jobs. The classes here are good and I have learned a lot in my core curriculum courses, but I can only say this for my area of concentration.


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