Brian Mendelson

4 years ago

Stay far away from this place. Go to another nurs...

Stay far away from this place. Go to another nursery ANY other nursery.

I go to a lot of nurseries and this has got to be the worst I have visited. Let s start out with the good: their selection is decent. That s about all the nice things I can say. Now onto the negative: their customer service is abysmal. I will explain.

I have a wholesale license for some landscape work I do, primarily with desert plants. I was looking to install a hedge and needed some help with which species to buy. I went to the information desk where the woman asked are you wholesale or retail? I said that I am wholesale, to which she replied, ok, then help yourself. I explained that I had some questions about what type of hedge to buy. She said, then you want retail. I explained that no, I have a wholesale license and am not retail. If you have any questions, then you are retail? she said. I didn t understand what she was talking about and told her again, that I have a wholesale license. She said, the whole idea of wholesale is that you help yourself and don t have any questions. I explained to her that the idea of wholesale is that you buy IN BULK, not that you can t ask for assistance. Wholesale has nothing to do with the level customer service you require. She reiterated, no, if you are wholesale, you don t need help. I told her that no other nursery has ever refused to help me because of my wholesale license. Reluctantly, she answered my questions about what species to buy and directed me to a greenhouse. I walked to that greenhouse but was unable to locate the plant she told me to purchase (it was completely unlabeled so no one would be able to locate it unless they knew what that species looked like).

I walked back to the information desk and asked if she could show me the way to that species since I could not find it. She said, then you are going to want retail . I gave in and asked for help locating the plant and that I would begrudgingly be retail. A gentleman showed me the way to the plant, noting that it was unlabeled. He told me it would be $29. I asked what the wholesale price was. He refused to tell me. He actually REFUSED to give me the wholesale price. The next day, I had my business partner call Boethring to get the wholesale. They told her the price was $36 less 15% for wholesale. They couldn t even keep the price the same from one day to the next.

Don t support this business. Go somewhere that actually offers customer service.


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