4 years ago

The Aides were great, a few nurses were excellent....

The Aides were great, a few nurses were excellent. But the therapist never pushed my Mom to do her workouts to get her legs stronger. They chose instead to call the Insurance carrier and tell them that she wasn't doing what she was supposed to forcing her out after only a month. Now my Mom is in the Hospital again because she wasn't ready to be released. Some of the staff LIE to you and tell you different things than the patient. My mom was there for the first 2 weeks with no problems and 2 roommates that were pleasant, then a woman that was someone else problem in another room was put in with my Mom and caused all kinds of havoc. A/C on full with the windows open and she used an oxygen tank. A recent Thunderstorm on Mothers Day she had the window open and was flooding the room and I had words with her. so instead of moving the problem, they moved my mother. mind you, we asked the staff 3 times to take care of this. Another woman asked for a bedpan twice in 45 minutes and they left her there with no assistance until she peed the bed. When the staff goes on break THEY ALL GO ON BREAK at the same time leaving the floor empty. I was not happy with the most of the staff there other than some of the Aides that really looked after her.


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