Christophe Tonnelier

3 years ago

Mr Mayor I only put 2 stars for your commune why?

Mr Mayor I only put 2 stars for your commune why?
We came to your village for the Saint Jacques shell festival, but we are a camping cariste
I can understand that it must be difficult to manage
That said I do not understand this repression towards us
We arrived Friday after having posed with great difficulty
(Proposition of place at the exit of the city (golf) under the trees to possibly 6euros the feet in the mud and the grime)
Despite all we persevered
I hold with all my respect that we are not gypsies
Between Friday night and Saturday 2 restaurants buying shells and shopping at the super u about 400 euros besides we had come 2 days before to go to your camper stop which was saturated and still restaurant and purchase at the fishmonger next to the super u
All this to tell you that between the hunt and the non-recognition of your community towards us and more critics that we can hear from high street restaurateurs while we are consuming leads to boycotted your municipality and to share it on our sites
While we had discovered in our specialized magazines that made your ad
Very disappointed your beautiful little town we do not feel accepted and after having discussed with others who have been with you for at least 3 to 4 years throw the sponge


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