Allie Mekolon

4 years ago

Can you give a place 0 stars? This was a terrible ...

Can you give a place 0 stars? This was a terrible experience for my boyfriend and I. My boyfriend broke his hand, yet waited a WEEK to go to the ER because we don't have insurance and he wanted to be sure there was an injury. Once the swelling didn't go down, we had to go in. We were there for SIX hours. Once we got back the actual room, the nurse put his hand in a splint, she did not explain why she was doing this or anything, she just did. The dr. then came in and took his hand out of the splint. Then, he rebroke his hand back into place, and put the splint back on. As my boyfriend was in Xray, the doc came back into our room to inform us that they had placed the bone wrong while splinting it and had to break it...yet again. This time he did it with no block or numbing. He was an animal. He proceeded to tell me and my boyfriend that is was our fault we were in the positon we were in, and that he will "learn his lesson." I was furious. 1st, this is very unprofessional. 2nd, he has no idea that our intentions were financial, and we would have been there right away had we had insurance. 3rd, the second breaking was not "our fault," it was his. After all this was said and done, the nurse comes in and was also very rude. She fought with my mother and I the entire time and we had to get a different nurse.

Here is the best part. The orthopedics call the next day, and his hand is now is such a bad position from being broken all those times.. he has to have surgery. The doctors tell us to schedule the surgery for tomorrow. So we call to do so. They tell us they will call back. They call back, and tell us they will call back AGAIN. The second call they tell us they cannot schedule anything without financial aide. I think they should have known this from the beginning, and told us this when we were sitting face to face with them instead of waiting until less than a day before he is supposed to have surgery. This whole experience has me so shaken up. We will go elsewhere next time- which I feel is something I should not have to say about my HOMETOWN hospital.


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