AK Miller
Review of Surety One

3 years ago

Great experience, with one detraction. Overall my ...

Great experience, with one detraction. Overall my experience was great. I found them online, chatted my question, got an immediate answer (with about 5 other answers to questions I had), got the link to the form I needed, submitted it, and had a final signed, sealed document from Surety One by that evening. I even had two different people email me to tell me they were working on it during the day; obviously they are set up to work as a team and all have visibility of open tickets.

The only negative was the all too typical deceptive answer to my question over chat:
Me: "and what is the cost for this form to be completed?" (Note: we had already established exactly what I needed and they had already sent me the link to the document)
Chat: "the application is free."
Me: "wow! That's fantastic..." etc.
Of course once I submitted the form I was told it would be processed "immediately... upon receipt of the $350 fee."
Sure, the actual "application" was free, meaning I could send them an email and not pay them to allow it into their collective inboxes. But if I wanted them to read it and do anything, that'll be three-fifty. So the chat answer wasn't a lie, but certainly could have been more honest.
Otherwise... great experience and I would recommend them.


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