Wes Blumenberg

3 years ago

I came into the ER on a Friday evening due to bein...

I came into the ER on a Friday evening due to being hit by a car and an evulsion of my front tooth, numerous lacerations inside/outside my lip and my gums. My entire body was sore and bruised and it hurt to walk.

Believe it or not, the ER was unable to find a wheelchair and I had to walk back. I asked several times for a new rag or something that I could stick in my mouth because the current one that I had been using was completely soaked in blood, it took them 10 min to get me one, it was clearly not a priority to them. I was sent back into a room to wait. After 30 or 40 min I had a CT scan of my head and neck, but nothing further was done.

Nobody checked or cleaned my lip or mouth, nobody checked my wrists or knees even though I complained of pain here. Nobody stitched my lip, nothing...After the CT scan I waited another 30 min to see a Dr. The Dr. was unprofessional, and told me stuff that I already knew, seemed to have no idea what to do.

We left as soon as possible to get to a dentist for urgent repairs to my tooth, gums, and lip.

Extremely unprofessional staff, nobody seemed to know what was going on, and nobody even offered to clean my wounds/mouth. Crazy.

This is not my first bad experience with this hospital either, the only reason we came here was because of the close proximity to our house, and needing to get our kids taken home.

My family and I will never go to this hospital again.


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