Review of Lago del Pino

3 years ago

I have no clue how this restaurant had as many peo...

I have no clue how this restaurant had as many people as it did because if our night's service is the norm, there's no way they should have doors to open. Service was incredibly slow, it took 15min for just water to arrive and an 1 hr 45 min for the food to arrive. I figured with it being so slow at the table that I'd just go to the bar to get my drinks, and I have nothing to say against their service which was prompt & lovely!! As for our waitress, she was abysmal. One order was the shrimp and avocado salad which arrived without avocado and so when it was requested the waitress replied "Oh, you want avocado?" Well, yes, we would like what the menu describes...nothing extra was being requested! While watching what was happening, the waitress and I briefly made eye contact and she asked "Do you have a problem?" I'll give her the benefit of the doubt trying to see if our order was delivered correctly but given the tone, common sense dictates otherwise so I just looked to the other side and ignored her caustic attitude. I had ordered the shrimp fajitas to share with a friend but when they arrived it was so paltry that I decided to just let her have it and pretend I wasn't hungry...it wasn't even a dozen shrimp, I think she managed 2.5 tacos from it. The tortillas? They were delivered wrapped in a thick napkin by hand, no tray or plate; totally unprofessional and somewhat unsanitary. Mercado Juarez serves their tortillas in a better display and they won't cost you $26. The cherry on the stupid sundae was when the checks came and when I stated that I'd like to pay for my friend I was asked "But did you eat it??" Even if I had, what would that have to do with wanting to pay the bill?! At that point I went and spoke with a manager to inform him that he needed to talk to his crew about how to talk to people and while I didn't expect any compensation, it seemed like wasted breathe. Long story short, avoid this place like the plague!! The only thing they offer is the worst service I've ever experienced and less than average food.


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