3 years ago

If you pay attention to the negative reviews, they...

If you pay attention to the negative reviews, they are all very clearly politically motivated and do not give an accurate picture of the library. So, let me try to give an objective review: (1) The locations is spectacular, w/a marvelous view of Simi Valley high above the rolling heals. (2) The grounds are peaceful, quite, relaxing, very "presidential". (3) The architecture and exhibits are world class. (4) A fully furnished oval office is recreated full scale. (5) You can walk through Air Force One and Marine One, see Reagan's limo, etc. (6) There are detailed and interactive displays from Reagan's childhood, acting career (props and costumes), governorship, and presidency. (7) There are gifts from all over the world from various leaders and dignitaries on display. (8) There is also part of the Berlin Wall, the collapsed World Trade Center, Reagan's grave, etc. (9) Often, there are temporary exhibits of great interest. Recent exhibits have included cars from the Peterson Automotive Museum, artifacts from George Washington, etc. etc. (10) Tour guides and volunteers are knowledgeable and friendly (11) Admission is very reasonable. The Reagan Library is a must see if you are in this area.


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