Rod Boyle

3 years ago

Sheraton Gold Coast

Sheraton Gold Coast
Terraces Restaurant review 08/03/2019
Being locals, we try out many restaurants and if they are good, we make them a regular habit.
I never waste my time writing reviews. I haven t the time, but made an exception this time.
Having booked a table for two to enjoy the seafood buffet, we arrived precisely on time, 1.30pm, and waited for service at the entrance. After what seemed like a minor booking hassle, we were shown to our table overlooking the pool area. The waitress asked, in broken English, if we required plain or sparkling water and then walked away and we waited for service. After 10 minutes and no return, I left the table and found a waitress and enquired about what was included and how the buffet worked. She said help yourself . The water arrived and we found our first plate. We tend to take a sample of each food and try them, followed by a dish of the nicest foods.
I tried prawns, oysters, salmon, calamari, fish, chicken, etc. The prawns were very poor, gritty, salty and unpalatable. Most people expect good prawns at a seafood buffet for $69 per head. The oysters, although small tasted fine but were not cold. The chicken was not tender. Very little was individually labeled which would be very difficult for fussy eaters or those with dietary restrictions. The bread rolls had flies all around them and there was only butter for one person left. The plates ran out during service, the crab tools were hidden under a cloth, no one cleared the plates at the table.
My wife had to chase a waiter after 20minutes, by leaving the table to ask for a wine list, no drinks were offered except the water, which we found out later had a cost to it. The wine list was short but not expensive and we chose. After 10 minutes we are told that one is not available but they supply us a more expensive choice at the original price. It was nice. The waiter went to take the bottle away so we stopped her and requested an ice bucket like the table beside us. She went to place it in their bucket and my wife insisted on our own bucket. No offer was ever made to top up our wine nor were we offered any other drinks.
The waitress approached and told us in poor English that the seafood stops at 2pm and that the desert stops at 3pm so we best hurry if we wanted more seafood. She told us this at 2.30pm. She had the times mixed up we think. After desert, which we enjoyed, I found a waitress, by leaving the table, and asked if coffee was available. She questioned who was serving us and stated she should have offered us that service and that she would talk to her. We waited a further 20 minutes, no offer, no coffee and we decided to leave. We were there for nearly two hours with as good as no service. The restaurant was not very busy. We told the receptionist what we thought but all we received was pleasantries and a MasterCard surcharge.
Woolworths offers awesome prawns at $30 a kg. We spent nearly $200 and could not get a good prawn at the Sheraton. Disappointed? .. yes. Will we be back? That depends on the Sheraton. Apparently they are now part of the Marriot Group. Hopefully they will learn some lessons from them.
Rod and Anny


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