S Armstrong

3 years ago

Get fit. Get wet. Pedal hard! Get steps. And sweat...

Get fit. Get wet. Pedal hard! Get steps. And sweat! Pump iron. Feed heart race! You bet!

Get stronger muscles & bones, faster nerves, toned, better balance, better moves. Get abs. Get into speedo & bikini shape, or both! Try being a tri-athlete! Or just into better shape than now. Set a doable goal--I shoot for a little less embarrassing than last month. Massage options too. Few communities have such a well equipped facility and service and all so affordable.

Step inside & you will see you won't have many excuses for not doing something here--so many options, individual and group, many fun, and there are people who can assist, and new friends to make. Many learning programs too.

Go alone, with friends, or frenemies who "benefit" from your competitive urging, siblings, cousins, neighbors, or with your invisible friends...limit to 3 of those please. Use it as an excuse to buy snazzy new sports shoes & gear...just don"t overdo the spandex or hair gel.

Of course Ok to bring your service unicorn along--who FYI loves zumba, jazzercize, leg lifts, yoga, playing cards while snacking, and the whirlpool--where they may "nag" you relentlessly, unless you sing broadway songs to them, which I do--to keep them quieter. But you will have to share with those who forgot their unicorns. It may seem obvious, but keep your gnomes, trolls and gremlins, and other magical beasts at home. Even your very docile dragon whose wings might fan you if hot.

Did I mention it stimulates your imagination and fantasies? You will sleep better, dream better and flirt better. Yeah, go for it. You won't regret it. Much. Just be safe & reasonable, with doctor or wizard's permission as needed. Lots of hours open, so you can probably avoid me if I sound too weird, or join me singing a few show tune duets to unicorns--an excellent way to cool down & relax after making it through the gym machine circuit or swimming that 1/2 mile, uphill, against the current and winds of course. Conquer you mind, body and a few imaginary dragons! And then you can look as good as me! Or better, more likely.


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