Michael Kapshukov
Review of USTA

3 years ago

The United States Open Tennis Championships; US Op...

The United States Open Tennis Championships; US Open is one of the four Grand Slam tournaments, which in modern tennis are the largest annual tournaments. Therefore, the attention of millions of sports fans is riveted to the competition.

The US Open is held in New York (USA) on the courts of the local National Tennis Center, and is organized by the US Tennis Association. The main tournament nets are traditionally held for two weeks in late August - early September. As a result, winners are identified in nine categories: in five - in adults and four - in senior juniors. All courts of the tournament (since 1978) have a hard cover, matches are held outdoors.

The tournament has been leading its history since the end of the 19th century, when it was first held in August 1881. But then it was held under the name "US National Championship for Men" on grass courts in the city of Newport (Rhode Island) and only in singles. Moreover, only clubs-members of the National Association of USA Lawn Tennis could participate in the tournament. The first winner in singles was the American tennis player Richard Sears.
In 1884, the competition moved to New York. Three years later, as part of these competitions, the women's single tournament "US National Championship for Women" was held, it was held in the Cricket Club of Philadelphia. In 1889, the pair tournament National Championship of the USA among women s couples and also the National Championship of the USA among mixed couples followed.

At first, the tournament was held separately in the eastern and western parts of the country to identify the two strongest teams, which then played among themselves, and the winner got the right to fight for the championship with the current title holder. The practice of conducting preliminary rounds was discontinued in the 1910s.

In 1968, all the championships were combined into one general tournament called "US Open" (US Open), which was held at the West Side Tennis Club, in Forest Hills. The competition was attended by 96 men and 63 women, the prize fund amounted to 100 thousand US dollars. By the way, for the first time the tournament was open for professional tennis players, who until that time were not allowed to play here.

In 1978, the US Open venue was moved from Forest Hills to Flushing Meadows, where it is currently running. The main focus of the tournament, of course, is on adult professional tennis players. They will win awards in the following categories: male single, female single, double male, double female, mixed (mixed).


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