3 years ago

it's such a shame that a hotel with so much facili...

it's such a shame that a hotel with so much facilities but yet the service is worse than a Kebab shop. I stayed there for an operation and during that short 5 day visit, i happen to lose my Rolex Daytona either in the hotel or outside as i was on anasthetics i do not recall. Now all i asked was a report that i have reported the loss to the hotel as my insurance company was asking for it but Sibil, the Guest Relationship manager refused to send it to me. It could be the language barrier that she has as she keeps saying we dont take responsibility for your loss but all i ask is something that i can pass to my insurnace company.

on top of this, the day we checked out they were charging us for Beers that we never drank, seems like it's their own cleaners that drink those as due to our surgery we had to stay away from Alcohol.


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