4 years ago

Hey Keyes. You can spend money on decorating the ...

Hey Keyes. You can spend money on decorating the inside of your dealership lavishly but can't take the time to hire competent sales managers? It's upsetting to have a manager delay your sales person by having him run in circles so that another sales person that he favors can get the sale instead.

Take some time to hire good sales managers who don't have pea-sized brains that openly spew lies and waste people's time. Also, why would you hire someone that communicates like he has no education? I m not your bro, don t talk to me like I am. Oh, if you have to tell me that there will always be one upset party, then you are clearly doing something wrong. I hope you get fired.

I will never recommend this dealership to anyone. I can't even imagine how toxic the work environment is behind the scenes. I feel horrible for my sales person. I can go to another dealership with my business, but he still has to put up with everyone there.

You really need to clean up your staff. I thought Keyes Lexus was bad but this place set a new low.


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