
stephanie j

3 years ago

This shelter is the BEST!!! We adopted our babies ...

This shelter is the BEST!!! We adopted our babies Peanut and Butter from here about 2 years ago and they had gone through a pretty rough life up until they came home with us. Northeast shelter took amazing care of them, from their surgeries to Butters pool physical therapy to get her to regain her strength in her leg that had been broken due to the horrible owners they had previously been with. Unfortunately our baby Butter is no longer with us, but about a month before she passed she did regain strength in her 4th leg and no longer hopped around on 3 legs. Thank you Northeast for the amazing care you guys provided my babies with. I love my Peanut with all my heart he provides us with unconditional love everyday. We are actually considering adopting another sister or brother to keep him company. Keep up the good work!

On another note.. I Honestly think its so messed up that people would write negative reviews for a shelter who do SO much for all the animals they come into contact with. It gives me comfort knowing each animal is put into good hands through their adoption process.

Thank you Northeast and all your volunteers and also to the new england vet clinic!!! Please keep up the good work :) :) :)


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