About company

Porton Biopharma is based at Porton Down near Salisbury in Wiltshire. There is a long history of pharmaceutical development and manufacturing at the Porton Down site. Both Erwinase® and Anthrax Vaccine were developed here, as well as many other products (such as Dysport® and Voraxase® which have subsequently been out-licensed to other companies). The Porton Down site was originally under the single ownership of the UK military. In 1979, the site was split, with our part of it transferring in to the health sphere as the Centre for Applied Microbiology & Research (CAMR) and operated as part of the Public Health Laboratory Service. Ownership of CAMR was transferred to the Microbiological Research Authority, a Special Health Authority in 1994 where it operated until 2003, when it became part of the Health Protection Agency (HPA).

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