About company

Parrable is a privacy-friendly identification platform. At the core of its technology is Parrable's proprietary and deterministic identification technology (patents pending) that unifies the user's profile across a given device connecting multiple browsers and apps together without the use of Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Parrable’s identification solution also solves the issue of third-party cookie restrictions in Safari. Given that identity is at the core of what is required for people-based marketing, Parrable provides visibility for marketers into 43% of the U.S. smartphone market that is currently unavailable for them (iOS Safari) where Apple smartphones yield the highest conversion rate. Parrable's Vision Product​ applies Artificial Intelligence to its existing technology using data (e.g. audience, conversion, click, intender data) to weigh buying decisions. This further enables marketers to reach the right user with the right message at the optimal time maximizing ROI.

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