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What if you could resolve a matter even before going to court? An average case in an Indian court takes 5-6 years. Mediation, on the other hand, claims an average of 126 minutes to resolve a dispute. Amazing, right? Why don't more people use it then? We asked ourselves this question two years ago, and found two answers- 1) They don't know that something like 'mediation' exists. 2) Even if someone tells them about mediation, it is not an easily accessible solution. After 18 months of hard work to combine mediation and technology, including three failed versions of an online mediation platform, we are finally launching "DOMAIN"- a platform through which you can connect to mediators to resolve your disputes. If you have a dispute, try our platform before going to court. Presently, we have mediators in 12 cities across India. We hope this number grows and more mediators make their services accessible. Our vision is simple: Make mediation the primary method of dispute resolution in India.

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