About company

Circa 2010, a group of friends including myself asked ourselves: “What are the most useful ways to invest in society in order to counter rapidly increasing unemployment?” Naturally, our reflection did not steer us towards the stock market, but instead towards a way of repositioning ourselves towards producing goods on a small scale. For myfood, this meant empowering people to grow food. From this point on, we started experimenting with anything that seemed to fit within the world of makers and tech developers. We offer simple solutions by giving individuals the key to producing enough food to feed a family of up to 3 or 4 people year-round, in their own garden. To create this little wonder, we use the best permaculture techniques in order to regenerate the soil, linked with aquaponics (a symbiosis between fish and plants with vertical plantation towers). Furthermore, to minimize our installations’ daily maintenance, we added Open-Source hardware that will make a certain amount of tasks automated.

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