About company

MOKO.mobi is a global Mobile Social Entertainment Platform. Accessible from any wireless device, consumers access MOKO.mobi's services from carrier portals, App stores, and directly, via www.mobi.mobi. MOKO.mobi is operational in 11 countries, with 13.4 million mobile users, 435 million page impressions a month, and 30 direct carrier-billing partners. People use our platform to meet like-minded people they don't already know. Designed from the ground-up for wireless browsing and billing, we enable easy social entertainment discovery, offering our users a choice of the type of services they wish to use, and how they wish to pay for them. MOKO.mobi operates several consumer brands, MOKO Chat, mBuzzy.com, and mVibe. Each service is positioned and developed to maximize their platform's reach, user engagement, and average revenue per user (ARPU).

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