About company

Founded 1978, Innovative Routines International (IRI), a/k/a IRI, The CoSort Company, is a US data management ISV renowned for fast data manipulation and targeted data security solutions. Headquartered in Melbourne, Florida, IRI is represented in 40 cities worldwide. IRI customers are in many industries, and have large or sensitive data in different sources they need to process or protect, present or prototype. Powered by IRI CoSort or Hadoop engines, the IRI Voracity data management platform combines data discovery, integration, migration, governance, and analytics in a single pane of glass, built on Eclipse. Voracity includes products in the IRI Data Manager suite [CoSort, Fast Extract (FACT), NextForm and RowGen] and the IRI Data Protector suite [FieldShield, CellShield EE, and DarkShield] provide multi-source data profiling and classification, fast data transformation and migration, data warehouse and analytic data wrangling, data cleansing and PII masking, and realistic test data.

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