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faxvirtual.com is an internet fax system that allows users to send and receive faxes in the form of PDF files via e-mail. The system receives the faxes sent to users’ virtual fax numbers, converts them to PDF format, and sends them immediately to their e-mail. Users can pay for the subscription and obtain a virtual fax number for their local area or get their current fax number ported and converted into a virtual fax number. Users can also add up to five email accounts to use the service. The efax service allows users to encrypt their faxes by using a zip encryption key or PGP encryption. The service could be used from anywhere and via internet accessible devices without the installation of any program. Users need not have fax machines, telephone lines, and consumables to use the service. fonvirtual.com, an affiliation of faxvirtual.com provides virtual switchboard services to companies. faxvirtual.com was launched by Daniel Fernandez and is operated from Seville, Spain.

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