About company

Founded in 2015, Lithuania-based DEBIFO is an invoice financing platform that enables growth SMEs to borrow from institutional and retail investors. DEBIFO has an active invoice portfolio of more than EUR 7 million, helped more than 350 SMEs fund over EUR 85 million in total. DEBIFO enables small and medium business to free up frozen working capital by providing funds based on outstanding invoices. DEBIFO invoice finance solution allows to shorten receivable payment terms from 30 - 120 days to only a few days. DEBIFO has won the award of the financial service of the year by the Lithuanian Business Confederation. The company has also been mentioned among 5 most promising financial sector start-ups in the prestigious business publication Forbes. DEBIFO has also been recognised as the TOP Company in the assessment of business credibility implemented by Rekvizitai/VZ.

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