About company

Codecraft ® Works, LLC is an educational technology company powering a blended learning approach to computer science, engineering, and cybersecurity curriculum for students and educators. Our products and services improve the technical skills landscape and successfully narrow the STEM talent gap for tomorrow by providing valuable computer programming lessons to students and to instructors. Brevard County hosted the first technology-themed lab for students ages 8 to 18 in Florida. Like all of our labs, it offers young students a comfortable space to learn, collaborate, and explore new ways to thrive in today’s digital world. Codecraft Clubs, Camps and Labs are structured so that kids can begin at any time with any skill set. Our programs are hands-on and self-paced, accompanied by workshops, talks, and social events. Codecraft programs are the perfect “command central” for future technical superstars!Codecraft Works Mascot Superstars are needed too, now and in the future.

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